The Scholarly News Network - here to bring you news from all around us!

We are The Veritas Times [TVT], a school newspaper for all students to read. We hope you enjoy!
Our Pact
We, the members of The Veritas Times, promise to deliver unbiased news on a weekly basis. We above all admire integrity, diligence, and trustworthiness. We will ensure that nothing is inflated or exaggerated, biased or influenced. We will work diligently to bring you useful, true, and interesting news once a week. Above all, we want to honor and glorify God through whatever we write. Praise the Lord!
Our Staff
President: Lucy Caples ( )
Head Journalist: Nadia Putri Tjiptadjaja (
Artistic Editor: Elinor Short (
Editor in Chief: Ava Bernice Curley (
Journalist: Moira Mackey (
Reporter: Samuel Orgelfinger (
Earth and Science Writer: Benjamin Zonder (
Earth and Science Writer: Ethan Pizarro (
Bible writer: Anna Blondo (
Story writer: Sophia Pinter (
Journalist: Luke Bonar (
Gaming Writer: Luke Dau (
Bonus Writer: William Heggland (
How The Blog Works
Our blog will cover topics not included in the actual magazine, which is released every two weeks in the Grades 6 - 7 Student Commons. Alongside it, there will be many fun bonuses and extras, competitions and prizes and such!
How You Can Contribute
The TVT Staff works hard every week to produce a good, readable and factual magazine that you, as a reader, can enjoy. Here are two ways you can contribute to ensuring an amazing result:
As a reader, you can show your support by subscribing. By subscribing, you can get notifications on when we release more posts, updates, and many other features!
You can subscribe by commenting and saying you want to subscribe to any one of our TVT Discussions (in the Commons). Afterward, you will be added to our subscriber list. It's a great way to encourage the staff and show your support!
You can also add your email to our blog mailing list. You will get updates and notifications about our blog and magazine. We will ask you first, however, if you want your name to be officially added to the subscriber list.
Subscribing is a simple, easy way to credit the TVT staff. Please inform any of our staff if you want to be a subscriber in the ways listed above.
We're currently full on staff and have no openings for any new members. But you can still collaborate with us and get to work with us!
You can collaborate by sending any of the staff (depending upon the genre of the writing) an article you want to be featured in the blog or the magazine. Please send the articles privately by email or send a message through this website. Then your article will be featured in a TVT Issue once filtered, edited, and accepted. Unless you request otherwise, we will credit you as a collaborator in the issue.
You can also collaborate by sending any suggestions, ideas, and feedback. We love to hear from our readers! We at TVT promise to try our best to read through everything you send us, and constructive criticism is appreciated greatly. Hearing from our readers encourages us to keep on writing great content and make it better and better!
Collaborating is an easy way in which you can participate in what we're doing here at TVT. You can share your work and talents without having to be part of the full-time staff!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this article. We hope you enjoy the blog!